* 협회 회원사만 신청 가능합니다. 

* 동 행사는 캘리포니아 최대 규모의 바이오 클러스터인 'Biocom California'에서 주최하는 IR Pitch 이벤트입니다. 

BIO International Convention 기간인 6월 3일(월) 오전10시~12시(PDT)에 샌디에고 다운타운 인근에서 개최되며, 한국기업 약 2~3개를 선정할 예정입니다. 

선정은 Biocom CA 자체적으로 진행하며 개별 안내될 예정인 점 참고바랍니다.  신청 기준 및 기간 등은 아래 링크를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다. (문의: 02-6301-2137)

Apply Now: Venture Hub Showcase 

Inviting all innovative life science industry companies to apply to participate in our Venture Hub Showcase taking place on Monday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. PDT. CEOs and founders will have 15 minutes allocated for each pitch and receive a presentation evaluation from the audience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your company’s visibility and connect with investors and industry peers. Apply to present by Friday, May 10.

 learn more about our pitch fest and sign up to attend for free or submit to present for free at these links.


https://www.biocom.org/event/Apply-Here-Venture-Hub-International-Pitch-Event-at-BIO/  < This is the link to apply to present their companies.


https://www.biocom.org/event/Venture-Hub-Pitch-Event-at-BIO24/ < This is the link to register for the event as an attendee.