Quality Hour – 1월 에디션 (Live Webcast) USP는 USP-NF, Reference Standards에 대한 최신 정보를 제공하기 위해, 시리즈 형식의 웨비나(Quality Hour)를 시작합니다.

이번 달, 1월 에디션 Quality Hour에서는 “Quality Peptides” 에 대해 다룰 예정입니다.



For this month’s session you will be able to:

• Have an overview of the peptide therapy manufacturing workflow

• Understand the challenges associated with characterization requirements for Peptide APIs and Impurities, as well as relevant guidances.

• Learn more about USP’s offerings of therapeutic peptide standards and new impurities for Leuprolide Acetate, Octreotide Acetate, Oxytocin and Teriparatide.

• Receive updates on the USP-NF, Reference Standards and other USP resources

• Identify USP staff and activities in Asia Pacific Jan. 24 11.00 am. – 12.00 pm , 약 1시간 (한국 시간)


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